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Brooklyn Fine

Brooklyn Fine - Jao Brand
Jao Social Club Featured in the New York Times

Photo Credit: James Estrin/The New York Times

In a recent article, the New York Times asks—why is Soho struggling and indie shops in Brooklyn doing fine? We think we know…

The Times They Are A-Changin’.

Yes, as hard as it is to see the global destination that is Soho struggle, we think we know why Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn is weathering the pandemic.

Boerum Hill Jao Social Club
The Human Touch. Take the Bonded 12—a group of female entrepreneurs with a creative passion, fervent entrepreneurship, and deep love for Brooklyn. Our goal is to turn a visit to the neighborhood into a therapeutic experience in these troubled times.

So come, stroll, discover, chat and shop (if you want.) We'll be here!

Read the whole article:
Why SoHo Struggles and Indie Shops in Brooklyn Are Doing Fine