David Mayron

With the heaviest of hearts we share the sad news: David Mayron, the epitome of a gentle man with the guiding principle of moderation in all things has departed this world for his next adventure.
He sought balance in life and in his formulations and took my crazy ideas and produced for us the most wonderful original formulas. We shared a great chemistry together. He never gave up on a problem and it was his attention to detail and his determination that made him such a great problem-solver.
The gentlest of men, he seemed like he came from another world with his can-do spirit and brilliant mind. He was a teacher, a scholar, and an artist. A gracious man who lived a beautiful life while setting quite an extraordinary example for us to follow.
— Gale Mayron, Jao Brand founder
Jao Ltd. is the creation of Gale Mayron, a daughter who got lucky enough to have an amazing chemist for a father, David Mayron.
“When I was a kid, my father was a research and developmental chemist for a big firm in Philadelphia. He would go to tradeshows and bring me back bags of potions to smell and play with.”
My parents and I always loved the idea of a family business. So back in 1994, I asked my Dad about washing my hands while on the go and he said "gelled alcohol" would be the solution. So we did some research, and began formulating...
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