Jao Refresher on Rachael Ray!

It seems that the lovely ladies at Rouge use our Jao Refresher when glamorizing their customers. Since the purpose of Rouge is to bring professional makeup artistry to us everyday folks, it makes sense that they would use our hand sanitizer. After more than 13 years, Jao has become industry standard in professional makeup artists' kits. It keeps your hands germ free and smelling like lavender without drying out your skin when using it over and over again. It may be used by professionals, but since it has many, many, many uses, Jao Refresher is great for everyone! Thanks Stephanie March & Rebecca Perkins for sharing our product with your lovely ladies. 

Jao Refresher on Rachael Ray!
Jao Refresher on Rachael Ray!
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It does not show on mobile. This could have a coupon code, announce a sale or have mailing list sign up. It can also link to a product. I don't see that it's possible to add an image. This is a built in feature. It's possible an app can have pictures. It will only show every 30 days per person. . 


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