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Kleptocracy Tee - Jao Brand
Kleptocracy Tee
Kleptocracy Tee - Jao Brand
A jao direct action product

Kleptocracy Tee

Our Forebears Came To America And All I Got Was This Lousy Kleptocracy

kleptocracy noun klepˈtä-krə-sē  A society whose leaders make themselves rich and powerful by stealing from the rest of the people.

**Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) rolled out the Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy (ELON MUSK) Act, which would ban "special" government employees like Musk from having federal contracts.** fingers crossed!

"Most explanations of kleptocracy – derived from the Greek for ‘thief’ and ‘rule’ – stress the aspect of ‘grand corruption’ whereby high-level political power is abused to enable a network of ruling elites to steal public funds for their own private gain using public institutions. Kleptocracy is therefore a system based on virtually unlimited grand corruption coupled with, in the words of American academic Andrew Wedeman, ‘near-total impunity for those authorized to loot by the thief-in-chief’." - Chatham House

  • Cotton
  • Unisex sizes
  • Made In USA

Our shirts are printed by Works in Progress a 501(c)(3) on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, dedicated to providing meaningful internships for NYC high school students.

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