Beauty Independent: Beauty Brands & Fathers

Jao Brand would not exist if it was not for my father who, when he retired from SKF in Philadelphia, built a small la...

Blue Bowl: Jao Brand Low Down

I thought it might be useful for those of you who haven't tried any Jao Brand products for me to give you the low down.

Head Ovary Heels - Gale Mayron

In this episode Gale talks about everything, including being a partner, having children and running a business. "I th...

Of A Kind Designer Spotlight: Gale Mayron of Jao Brand

“Our products are unisex and multipurpose because I don’t believe in having lots of things taking up shelf space.”
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It does not show on mobile. This could have a coupon code, announce a sale or have mailing list sign up. It can also link to a product. I don't see that it's possible to add an image. This is a built in feature. It's possible an app can have pictures. It will only show every 30 days per person. . 


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